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English24h (1)

(n) aim, goal, the reason for which something is done/ used/ made exists.
Here are two examples of potential use:

Ex 1.: The purpose of this article is to show people how to lose weight effectively.
Ex 2.: She went out with the purpose of buying a new dress.


to include something as a necessary part ; to affect something or somebody.
Here are two examples of potential use:

Ex 1.: What does the job involve? Will I have to travel a lot?
Ex 2.: Schools involve parents in their children education.


(n) a state that sb or sth may be in ; the situation in which people may live in.
Here are two examples of potential use:

Ex 1.: Her car is in an excellent condition.
Ex 2.: They used to live in a small damp flat but recently they improved their living conditions.

to grow or change into something more important / stronger / better ; build new houses
Here are two examples of potential use:
Ex 1.: New printing method is being developed by his company. It'll probably two times faster than currently used solutions.
Ex 2.:Our new house is being developed by a German company. I hope it'll be finished soon.


(adj) extremely good/ distinguished/excellent; unpaid/ continuing existence/remaining unsettled (outstanding debts)
Here are two examples of potential use:

Ex 1.: Sarah is an outstanding student. She held the highest grade point average at the end of the last semester.
Ex 2.: Mary applied for housing at several places, but was't accepted due to outstanding debts.


to take an action; to deal with sth; to cope with sth
Here are two examples of potential use:

Ex 1.: One of her New Year's resolutions was to tackle all her financial problems.
Ex 2.: When he was a child he was perfectly able to tackle all difficulties he came across. Now, he is not strong enough and gets depressed very often.
to tire somebody out; to have no energy; to use something up or consume completely;
Here are two examples of potential use:

Ex 1. :What an exhausting day ! All I want to do is to go to bed.
Ex 2. :The travelers have nearly exhausted their water supplies , so they decided to go back home.

to do what you are told to do

Here are two examples of potential use:
Ex 1.: Soldiers are expected to obey the rules and regulations of the army.
Ex 2.: If you don't obey the law, you will get into trouble.

(n) small house, usually in the country.

Here are two examples of potential use:
Ex 1.: I always pack my suitcase at the end of June and spend holidays in my cottage in the mountains.
Ex 2.: I'm tired of living in a big city. I dream of leaving my flat and moving to a small cottage in a village.


to say that somebody has done something wrong or has broken the law.
Here are two examples of potential use:

Ex 1.: He was accused of a murder and sentenced to death.
Ex 2.: Mother accused her little son of breaking her new vase. It was not the first time he had broken something.


a set of rooms in a hotel (usually 2 rooms with a kitchen and a bathroom)
Here are two examples of potential use:

Ex 1.: I couldn't afford a suite during my last holidays. I was forced to put up with a single room.
Ex 2.: Hello! I would like to make a reservation of two rooms with a kitchen and a bathroom. --- No problem, Sir. We can offer you a lovely suite.

(adj) extremely large, outrageous (enormous crimes)
Here are two examples of potential use:

Ex 1.: Have you ever seen such an enormous house ? It must have at least 200 rooms.
Ex 2.: This film was an enormous success and earned $ 1.000.000 in one week.

to say that something is not true
Here are two examples of potential use:

Ex 1.: She denied telling her father with whom she spent the last night . She told him that it's not his business.
Ex 2.: He denied all the rumours that he got engaged with Christine and said that he's not going to marry her.
to state or believe that somebody is responsible for something bad.
Here are two examples of potential use:

Ex 1.:Don't blame me for losing the way ! You should have taken the map.
Ex 2.: It's easier to blame the others when something goes wrong.
to start doing some activity, especially for pleasure.
Here are two examples of potential use:

Ex 1.: She was getting bored with her life, so she took up parachuting.
Ex 2.: I took up piano lessons last month, because I'm really keen on music.

a place in a self-service shop where you pay for goods
Here are two examples of potential use:

Ex 1.: People get furious with the long queues at the checkout.
Ex 2.: Every time I pay at the checkout I realize how expensive life is.


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